The Challenge of Distributed Detail in Business Continuity Planning

Much of the difficulty of effective business continuity planning lies in the fact that you need to make detailed plans for things not to happen, rather than just for things to happen. This means the strength of mind necessary for delving into the detail of scenarios that may never come up and simulating situations that […]

Have you outgrown your paper-based business continuity and disaster recovery plans?

Your organisation has changed and you are finding that the current “paper-based” planning methodology no longer is fit for purpose.  If you recognise any of the following items familiar, it may be time to invest in a business continuity software planning solution:  1.       Are your plans hard to maintain and have numerous areas for updates? […]

Business Continuity Software Benefits

Many organisations utilise software to create, support, maintain, distribute and test their Business Continuity Plans and ensure business survival in any emergency. Regardless of size, most companies can benefit greatly from the use of Business Continuity software and many options exist for its implementation and plan maintenance strategies. Some of the direct benefits that Business […]