Business Continuity Planning for Small to Medium Enterprise

Consider the scenario of losing your primary premises due to fire. Can you answer these questions? – How much revenue would you lose being out of action for a day, a week or a month? – Have you got an alternate location to operate your business from? – Is your data regularly sent off site […]

OpsCentre offers complimentary Business Continuity Consultation

OpsCentre is pleased to announce the launch of our COMPLIMENTARY Business Continuity Consultation offer. For a limited time we are providing a complimentary consultation, to Australian Businesses valued at $495. The Business Continuity Consultation assesses the effectiveness of your organisation’s Business Continuity Program. If you don’t have one in place, the assessment will identify the level […]

Business Continuity Terminology – What’s the difference between MTO, RTO and RPO?

A common query that we come across in business continuity consulting is, ‘what is the difference between MTO, RTO and RPO?’ MTO is the Maximum Tolerable Outage The Maximum Tolerable Outage for a critical business process represents the maximum amount of time that an organization can survive without the business process in any form (manual or automated). […]

What is the difference between disaster recovery and business continuity planning?

Persons new to recovery planning often find it difficult to differentiate between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. In its simplest form, Business Continuity differs from Disaster Recovery in that its focus is on people and the continuation of business processes and objectives rather than the availability of IT systems and infrastructure. Business Continuity Planning deals […]

Business Impact Analysis

A Business Impact Analysis (BIA) allows an organisation to identify the criticality of processes, interdependencies with other business units and third party suppliers, critical system requirements (e.g. systems and applications), vital files, network drives and hardware, describe manual work arounds and prioritise business functions during a recovery situation. The BIA forms the basis for the […]