Does your Business Continuity Plan rely on teleworking?

CSO Online article highlights the results from a recent Telework Exchange research report, finding organization’s expect staff to work from home in a pandemic but do not provide adequate resources for them to be able to do this. Full article at CSO Online The teleworking provisions in your Business Continuity Plans must be included […]

The Business Case for Business Continuity Management

It is commonly the case that Business Continuity is on the agenda due to external regulatory or audit requirements and this provides sufficient impetus for a Business Continuity Implementation. With or without these external pressures, a business case for the cost of implementing and maintaining business continuity will need to be created. Below are some […]

Business Continuity Testing Isn’t a Pass or Fail Exercise

Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) need to be regularly tested and updated to ensure accuracy and effective recovery in the event of a disruption. Testing (sometimes referred to as Exercising) shouldn’t be viewed as a Pass or Fail exercise as every test is an opportunity to find potential problems with your plan and to have an […]

Business Continuity Testing Isn't a Pass or Fail Exercise

Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) need to be regularly tested and updated to ensure accuracy and effective recovery in the event of a disruption. Testing (sometimes referred to as Exercising) shouldn’t be viewed as a Pass or Fail exercise as every test is an opportunity to find potential problems with your plan and to have an […]