Enabling projects for business continuity plan best practice

Business continuity plan best practice does not happen overnight, whatever the size of your company. Figuring out how to optimise the chances for a business to continue successful operations, whatever the circumstances is a process that can take considerable time. Finding a way to show that progress is being made above all in the early […]

Business Continuity Plan Best Practice and the APT Conundrum

Ideally, business continuity plan best practice revolves around identifying the key risks and how to handle them, and separating out risks that do not justify planning time and effort, because they are too small or too improbable. The problem is to decide whether or not a risk merits inclusion in the BC plan. The current […]

Is Social Networking now part of Business Continuity Plan Best Practice?

Social media like Facebook and Twitter now have a lot in common with mobile phone networks. They are accessible to millions of people and they also stay up and running even if disaster strikes an enterprise and shuts down its corporate IT system. Anything that is that “continuous” merits examination in the light of business […]

Business Continuity Plan Best Practice and BCP Standards

Do standards really contribute to business continuity plan best practice? The obvious answer is “yes, of course they do”, and in many cases this is true. However, it is also constructive to dig a little deeper to find out why or how BCP standards can help. For one thing, this means less risk of clinging […]

Business continuity plan best practice – best for whom?

Even businesses that compete in the same market may be very different in structure and operations. For a generic approach, business continuity best practice is available in any number of books or training courses, but best practice for the detail of what goes into your plan may be harder to come by.