Integrative Negotiation as Part of a Business Continuity Plan

Business continuity is not always the easiest thing to put in place. Budget that gets allocated to BC is budget that does not get allocated to other projects or departments, and then there are also organisational turf wars to consider. If you’re faced with a manager intent on protecting his or her fiefdom, a slide […]

4 Trends in Business Continuity Plans for IT and Beyond

With the end of the year looming larger and larger, it’s time for a review of trends that have marked BC in 2012 so far, and that will likely continue to do so into the next year. Four important ones are rooted in information technology: cloud computing, mobile devices in the workforce, social networking and […]

Operation Teapot and Vital Records in Business Continuity Plans

There’s no doubt about it. Governments think up the strangest codenames for their secret activities. The innocent sounding Operation Teapot referred to a series of tests by the US Federal Civil Defense Administration to find out what impact a nuclear explosion would have on towns and infrastructures. Part of that impact involved business records and […]

Malware Threats and Your Business Continuity Plan

Although a business continuity plan now typically covers more than just IT aspects, that doesn’t mean that IT issues are static. With mobility exploding among users in 2012, security threats are growing at the same rate as well. Worse still, they are affecting not only traditional software download and email delivery routes, but also the […]

Automation and Business Continuity Plan Best Practice

When you’ve implemented business continuity plan best practices in your organisation, the next logical step is to automate them. The assumption is of course that you really do have best practices in place; otherwise automation will simply help you to be wrong more efficiently. In addition, BCM automation has a way of unexpectedly bringing things […]

Business Continuity Plan Templates and the BCI 2012 Horizon Scan

The idea of a business continuity plan template is intuitively seductive: you take a “one size fits all” document, tick the boxes that apply to you and then “turn the handle” to generate your BC plan. There are certainly common principles, risks and factors across businesses and organisations in general; but the latest survey findings […]