Lessons from a Business School on Business Continuity

From time to time, it’s instructive to look around and see what organisations are doing with business continuity. With business continuity management now an increasingly important part of good business practice, business schools are led to include this in their courses, and hopefully practise what they preach. A visit to the website of the London […]

Is Social Networking now part of Business Continuity Plan Best Practice?

Social media like Facebook and Twitter now have a lot in common with mobile phone networks. They are accessible to millions of people and they also stay up and running even if disaster strikes an enterprise and shuts down its corporate IT system. Anything that is that “continuous” merits examination in the light of business […]

What do People Put into a Business Continuity Plan? What do They Leave Out?

What people should put into business continuity plans is the information needed to get organisations back on their feet after disaster strikes. Leafing through BC  plans often reveals that planners have made choices as to what to put in or leave out. If an item isn’t mentioned, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the plan is […]

The BIG business continuity plan from BCI

The latest “business continuity plan” on a worldwide scale from the BCI (Business Continuity Institute) has recently been defined in the organisation’s new Strategy Document. It maps out actions for the BCI for 2012 through 2015, centred on spreading BCM around the globe and growing the institute. The goals are three-fold: a consistency of the […]

Business Continuity Plan App

In this age of connectedness, welcome to the business continuity plan app. While an “app” can refer to any software that runs on a desktop or notebook computer, a tablet or a smartphone, it’s the smartphone app in particular that concerns us here. Although the devices listed above use different operating systems, Internet technology sometimes […]

Smartphone Business Continuity Software

Why make smartphone business continuity software? Because the smartphone is an easy-to-use tool that’s growing in use by leaps and bounds – already an estimated 450 million smartphone owners in 2011 among literally billions of mobile phone users – and it fits in your pocket. When that fire alarm goes off, it’s a lot easier […]