Smartphone APP for Business Continuity Plan

Making the most of the compactness, computing power and ease of use of smartphones, OpsCentre now has a new smartphone app for business continuity plans. Named MIRA for “Mobile Incident Response Application”, the app makes the most of the features on smartphones that are absent in other computing platforms. Paper-based or even PC-based systems, which […]

Half-Price Business Continuity Plan

“I know someone who can do my business continuity plan for half the price.” The fact is, it’s probably true. In business, there’s always someone ready to offer a solution at a lower price. Some companies make a profit out of being the low cost supplier in a particular market. With economies of scale, they […]

Business Continuity Plans and Lessons Learned

“Learn from your mistakes” is a good motto and business continuity plans are no exception. In the previous post, “Disaster Recovery Plan – the Map is Not the Territory”, we described how ASCDI (Association of Service and Computer Dealers International) found out that in a hurricane its disaster recovery plan was less than perfect. The […]

How Often Should A Business Continuity Plan Be Tested?

How often should you test or ‘exercise’ your business continuity plan? How long is a piece of string? The answer to both questions is of course – it depends. It depends on the nature of your business, the rate of change in your activity and your industry sector and whether or not you’ve had to […]

Morphing DR Plans Into BC plans

Disaster recovery plans are like car insurance. It’s not because you’ve insured your car that you’re obliged to have an accident; similarly, it’s not because you have a great disaster recovery plan, that you’re obliged to have a disaster. Although reactive disaster recovery will always be a counterpart to proactive business continuity, better driving will […]

Innovation in business continuity plans

Innovation in business continuity doesn’t always have to be technological, as one award-winning approach to a business continuity plan has shown. Sometimes the real innovation is simply in the point of view – the “how” of business continuity, instead of the “what”. That was what the New South Wales Police Force revolutionized to win the […]