Business continuity plan best practice – best for whom?

Even businesses that compete in the same market may be very different in structure and operations. For a generic approach, business continuity best practice is available in any number of books or training courses, but best practice for the detail of what goes into your plan may be harder to come by.

Business Continuity and Common Risks for Small Businesses

What makes small businesses different to bigger ones when it comes to business continuity? Common risks for small businesses are linked to their operations being confined to one specific sector and one geographical location. They don’t have the possibilities of mitigation available to larger, more diverse, distributed companies. Disaster can strike all of their resources […]

Sydney Round Table Event – Testing Business Continuity Plans

OpsCentre’s Managing Director, Rod Crowder, will be facilitating a round table event on behalf of Continuity Forum, to be held 29th Jun 2011. The topic is Business Continuity Testing/Exercising. For more information and registration details please go to the Continuity Forum website here. We hope to see you there.

Have you outgrown your paper-based business continuity and disaster recovery plans?

Your organisation has changed and you are finding that the current “paper-based” planning methodology no longer is fit for purpose.  If you recognise any of the following items familiar, it may be time to invest in a business continuity software planning solution:  1.       Are your plans hard to maintain and have numerous areas for updates? […]

Top 5 things to look for in a Business Continuity Consulting provider

The linked article here by Richard Jones of Burton Group in the US whilst written in 2008 is worth revisiting because it describes some useful tips on how to get the right staff for Business Continuity Planning. The article describes what you need in an internal BCP leader and how to find the right BCP […]

OpsCentre offers Recession Buster ‘Quick Start’ Business Continuity Planning

This program is ideal for the small to medium enterprise.  It is a fixed fee, fixed scope project that provides a complete solution in the fastest possible timeframe. It can usually be completed within a 1-2 week period. We utilize our consulting experience and best-practice materials to adapt a business continuity strategy to suit your […]