IT Security is Essential in the Cloud – But Which Cloud Do We Mean?

Clouds by definition are nebulous and vague. Their use in IT models and discussions goes back decades, long before the current cloud computing models. A ‘cloud’ was convenient shorthand for showing a link between a system on one side and a terminal or another system on the other. Today however, the concept has evolved. Not […]

A Quick Guide to IT Disaster Recovery Technology

Money alone can’t buy happiness, and technology by itself can’t buy disaster recovery – but they can both help significantly! IT disaster recovery management needs thought, planning and training of personnel; being aware of what technology has to offer is an important part of this. Check our handy list below to see if you’re making […]

When You Just Know What the Next Disaster Will Be

From the title of this post, some people might immediately think of intuition: that vague and rather flaky resource used when that’s all you have. However, we’re actually thinking of something a little more structured in this context. In the coming age of Big Data and associated worldwide online resources, analytical techniques like those used […]

Virtualise All You Want but Business Continuity Must Still Be End-to-End

It started with IT server virtualisation and then continued with cloud computing. Instead of physical machines running a company’s own software applications, we now simply have interfaces to virtual instances of these things. Computing resources are no longer located in a specific piece of equipment on a company’s premises. They are ‘somewhere’ in the cluster […]

Risk, Business Continuity and IT DR – the Year of 2013 in Review

Risk certainly marked the year of 2013, with knock-on effects on business continuity thinking. However, in a year picking up the pieces after different disasters, the real message was a reminder that while we collectively now know a great deal about risk, we don’t always prepare or take action appropriately. The devastation caused by rainfall […]

How Technology Smooths the Way for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

While good planning and processes are at the heart of business continuity and disaster recovery, technology can accelerate the benefits as well. We live in an age of cloud computing and smartphones. Both can be used to help an organisation get back on its feet after incidents, or simply ride them out without severe or […]