Cloud Business Continuity Moving Towards Self-Healing Solutions

While cloud services have promised advantages of redundancy and resilience from the start, there is still the spectre of failure. Even the largest operators can be affected. Amazon’s EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) suffered breakdowns in 2011 because of a wrongly applied change of configuration, and again in 2012 owing to ‘historic’ thunderstorms in the neighbourhood […]

HaaS and the Business Continuity Challenge

When a global IT distributor like Ingram Micro gets on board the HaaS (Hardware as a Service) bandwagon, you know it’s really on the move. The concept behind Hardware as a Service is that organisations no longer have to own, support or in general worry about the IT hardware that is present on site. Instead, […]

Disaster Recovery can be a “Free” Consequence of Cloud Computing

In the world of disaster recovery, one of the challenges is getting people to approve budget for having the right DR capabilities in place. Unless you are dealing with enlightened senior management, it’s not always easy to get people to sign off for events that may or may not come about, at some indeterminate time […]

How the Cloud Mixes Up Everything and the Impact on Disaster Recovery

Despite some claims that that data storage and data recovery are set to become two separate items in computing cloud land, at the moment it’s all in there together: data, the applications that handle that data and the infrastructure that needs to be managed in consequence. IT disaster recovery plans involving cloud now have to […]

4 Trends in Business Continuity Plans for IT and Beyond

With the end of the year looming larger and larger, it’s time for a review of trends that have marked BC in 2012 so far, and that will likely continue to do so into the next year. Four important ones are rooted in information technology: cloud computing, mobile devices in the workforce, social networking and […]

7 Levels of Business Continuity Plans in the Cloud

There’s something about the number seven that makes it a favourite choice for models of all sorts. They range from the layers of the standard network model (the OSI version at least) to telephone selling methodologies (depending on what you’re selling) and of course colours of the rainbow. Since 1956 and “Miller’s Law” in psychology, […]