Dynamic disaster recovery plans and the promise of “set it and forget it”

The “set it and forget it” dream has been around for a while. It has always been tempting to wish that systems could be built in accordance with disaster recovery plans, and then left alone until the moment when circumstances called for them to be activated. Now cloud computing is being hailed as the solution […]

Business Continuity Plans and Clouds with Fewer Silver Linings

Cloud computing, that recent IT evolution, has been hailed as a boon to business continuity plans. Indeed, it has a lot to offer, including IT network redundancy, reduced costs and flexible billing. For these reasons, it immediately scores over traditional hot or cold mirrored data centres with more substantial initial and ongoing costs. Naturally, adequate […]

MTO and RTO in a Cloud Backup Context

A couple of interesting cases came up recently about differences in cloud backup services, and the effect that this might have on MTO and RTO. As a reminder, maximum tolerable outage (MTO) is the maximum time you or your organisation can afford to be without a given system or resource; recovery time objective (RTO) is […]

Cloud Computing and Business Continuity – Have we seen this somewhere before?

The discussions about cloud computing and business continuity are reminiscent of similar ones a few years back about the use of software as a service (SaaS). The similarities are all the more striking following the recent outages of certain well-known cloud computing services and the questions raised about the viability of cloud computing for strategically […]

Cloud Computing – "Too Much Redundancy Is A Myth"

Michael Jenkin from Business Technology Partners, posted an Article in ARN on the 22nd March; discussing redundancy in the IT world. What an interesting article. This will get you thinking about Cloud Computing solutions for your business. Have you dotted your ‘I’s’ and crossed your ‘T’s’. Have you opted for the cheaper option? Have you […]

Cloud Computing – “Too Much Redundancy Is A Myth”

Michael Jenkin from Business Technology Partners, posted an Article in ARN on the 22nd March; discussing redundancy in the IT world. What an interesting article. This will get you thinking about Cloud Computing solutions for your business. Have you dotted your ‘I’s’ and crossed your ‘T’s’. Have you opted for the cheaper option? Have you […]