Cloud Computing – "Too Much Redundancy Is A Myth"

Michael Jenkin from Business Technology Partners, posted an Article in ARN on the 22nd March; discussing redundancy in the IT world. What an interesting article. This will get you thinking about Cloud Computing solutions for your business. Have you dotted your ‘I’s’ and crossed your ‘T’s’. Have you opted for the cheaper option? Have you […]

Cloud Computing – “Too Much Redundancy Is A Myth”

Michael Jenkin from Business Technology Partners, posted an Article in ARN on the 22nd March; discussing redundancy in the IT world. What an interesting article. This will get you thinking about Cloud Computing solutions for your business. Have you dotted your ‘I’s’ and crossed your ‘T’s’. Have you opted for the cheaper option? Have you […]

OpsCentre Round Table Event – Cloud Computing: Risky Business?

OpsCentre is hosting another Round Table event at the Vibe Hotel in Sydney on 28th April 2011 to discuss Cloud Computing Risks. Details have been updated on OpsCentre’s Events page and there is a link through to more information and registration. OpsCentre Events Page

Business Continuity Planning – More Than Just Disaster Recovery

The disasters in Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia have put BCP into sharp focus. In this article, Allan Davies provides advice he gleaned the hard way from working through numerous disasters, and suggests that CIO’s need to think in broader terms than just IT disaster recovery. He outlines nine valuable lessons that should be incorporated […]

Advice for dealing with risks in public cloud computing

Public cloud computing risks are numerous enough to field a top 10 — or even more. Professional organizations and CIOs are developing threat lists to help them come to grips with the public cloud, an entity that will continue to seep into the enterprise IT environment whether they like it or not. SearchCIO has just […]