Business Continuity – Is your business ‘Recovery Ready’?

Do you know the answers to these questions for your organisation? 1. How would we continue to function in an extended building evacuation such as a power outage or flood in the basement? 2. Who are our most critical customers and how would we contact them? 3. What is our current IT Disaster Recovery capability? […]

Business Continuity – Is your business 'Recovery Ready'?

Do you know the answers to these questions for your organisation? 1. How would we continue to function in an extended building evacuation such as a power outage or flood in the basement? 2. Who are our most critical customers and how would we contact them? 3. What is our current IT Disaster Recovery capability? […]

Recommended considerations for selecting an Alternate Recovery Site

Do you need to select an alternate recovery site for your business continuity or IT disaster recovery? In the event of a disaster, it is crucial that your organisation can transition as smoothly as possible into a recovery site and commence working on critical business processes as quickly as possible.  Ensuring that an appropriate alternate […]

7 Habits of Highly Effective Business Continuity

1. The Senior Executive actively supports Business Continuity The CEODirectorGeneral Manager that believes in and wants a functional Business Continuity program in place is a critical success factor. To have a senior Executive that is responsible for setting the priorities and vision for the organisation to stand behind BCP and communicate this to the staff is a powerful change […]