Teachers and Role Models Falling Down on Disaster Recovery

When it comes to singling out sectors that are in the forefront of disaster recovery, finance is often quoted as an example. With so much depending on the ability to recover systems and data rapidly after any incident, major banks were among the first to implement hot failover data centres for instance – as well […]

It is with Regret that the Demise of RAID 6 is Announced – for 2019 Precisely

Information technology has certain features that make it possible to calculate probable dates of demise. It’s all digital, with a finite number of bits and bytes, and calculable error rates. As disk storage capacities increase, technologies viable today may run out of steam tomorrow. They cannot scale forever. Unlike vinyl records in the music industry […]

Active/Active IT Configurations and How HA and DR Work Together

If the title of this post makes you go cross-eyed, don’t worry. All will become clear. Let’s explain. Active/active IT configurations consist of computer servers that are connected in a network and that share a common database. The ‘active/active’ part refers to the capability to handle server failure. First, if one server fails, it does […]

Disaster Recovery and the Pitfalls of ‘No Pain, No Gain’

How often have you heard the expression ‘no pain, no gain’? These four words sum up the idea that if you are to receive benefits, then you must suffer (or at least make an effort). Alternatively, you could take it to mean that if you don’t make an effort, you can’t expect benefits. An example […]

What Are Your Disaster Recovery Options if Your Data Storage Fails?

The answer to this question depends on how fast you want your data back and how much time and effort you are prepared to spend. If your data is both mission and time critical, then full, frequent backups possibly with mirrored systems for immediate restore or failover may be the only solution. Financial trading organisations, […]