Disaster Recovery and the Darker Side of the ‘Undo’ Function

There are times when you wish you could undo what you just did. Sometimes, you can’t. Financial investments, office reorganisations and even that too-hasty email you sent often cannot simply be reversed. With IT on the other hand, it’s a different story. From individual PCs to corporate data centres, the ‘Undo’ function has become a […]

Disaster Recovery and Technological Horrors

In disaster recovery, technology is often a neutral element – neither good nor bad, in itself. Some technologies are better suited to specific needs or offer relative improvements to existing solutions. What determines whether an organisation benefits or suffers is the application of technology. When it is used unthinkingly and incorrectly, the horror stories start. […]

Coffee-Shop Recovery Tactics for Today’s Enterprise

The times, they are a-changing. Mobile computing devices not to mention BYOD and a millennial attitude mean that a substantial number of employees in enterprises now do their work away from their desks. Whether at home, in a bus, train or plane, or in their favourite coffee-shop, if there’s a Wi-Fi connection available, there’s a […]

Have You Met the Recovery Consistency Objective?

Which disaster recovery measurements do you really need? The answer is the ones that are effective in helping you to plan and execute good DR. So your choice will naturally depend on your IT operations. The two ‘classics’ of the recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) are so fundamental that they apply […]

Integrated Network Technologies Make Disaster Recovery Simpler (Sort Of)

What is the scarcest IT resource today? Processor power, main memory and disk space all seem to grow unabated. But network bandwidth on the other hand is still comparatively expensive. Consequently, enterprises tend to have less of it, which is turn leaves them more exposed to possible outages. Luckily, other technology means that bandwidth can […]

Disaster Recovery – Sometimes the Devil Really is in the Details

Disaster recovery planners are often recommended to take a holistic view of their IT organisation. They should work to deal with potential outcomes, rather than possible causes. That certainly helps businesses to greater overall DR effectiveness and cost-efficiency. However, there’s no denying that a number of practical details must also be respected. Otherwise, the best-aligned […]