Are Chinese Businesses Doing Well Because of or In Spite of the Web Security?

Is there a relationship between the Internet control and censorship policy in China, and the country’s economic success? Chinese Internet censorship has meant that access has been denied to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many others (Wikipedia estimates over 2,600 websites in total). Meanwhile the Chinese economy continues to grow. While the jury is still out […]

Disaster Recovery Myths about Deleted Computer Files

Once a file is gone, it’s gone, right? Well, it all depends. In many cases files are not physically removed from hard disks, but simply hidden from users by the operating system, and left available to be overwritten by new files. That means that some degree of disaster recovery may still be possible if a […]

Disaster Recovery Goes Mobile with a Self-Propelled Solution

After meals on wheels, how about mobile disaster recovery? That’s what US distributor Avnet Technology Solutions is offering customers in a scenario that sounds rather like it came out of Star Wars. The company has put together a technology package of products from EMC, Brocade, Cisco, Metalogix and Microsoft, all installed on a chassis from […]

Where is the Truth in Business Continuity Today?

Let’s set some expectations. This blog post won’t give any definitive answer about the question above! On the other hand, this post is prompted by a comparison of recent news items, on the face of it interconnected and yet apparently at odds. Within the space of less than a month one survey found that companies […]

Disaster Recovery and IT Systems with Minds of their own

The bigger IT systems get, the more complex they get, the more chance there is a failure somewhere inside and a need for disaster recovery. It’s mathematical – as you multiply the number of components or the number of computer procedures called, you multiply the possibilities for something to go wrong. Even the biggest guns […]

Disaster Recovery can be a “Free” Consequence of Cloud Computing

In the world of disaster recovery, one of the challenges is getting people to approve budget for having the right DR capabilities in place. Unless you are dealing with enlightened senior management, it’s not always easy to get people to sign off for events that may or may not come about, at some indeterminate time […]