Not only is tape back-up still around, but it’s also still beating disk

The classic strength of tape compared to disk is in the relative cheapness, but now there’s more. If you’re thinking in terms of long-term archives, then tape also beats disk, because it has a “shelf life” of 30 years, compared to a “measly” 10 years for disk. After 10 years, disk runs the risk of […]

Disaster Recovery – the Price to Pay for Self-Inflicted Disasters

“A stitch in time saves nine” is a well-known saying. However, “familiarity breeds contempt” as they also say, and knowing your maxims off by heart doesn’t automatically mean taking the appropriate action. The “stitch in time” in IT terms is a proper plan, or good change management, together with backup planning if things don’t work […]

Don’t Abdicate Your Disaster Recovery Just because your Employees are Doing It

In today’s world of cloud and BYOD (bring your own device) computing, disaster recovery sometimes almost seems to be organising itself. Employees can copy all sorts of data to mobile phones, tablets and personal web storage, including customer lists, proposal templates, financial spread-sheets and more. It would take at least a double disaster – for […]

How would You like a “Disaster Resilience” Plan?

Just when you thought you’d figured out DR, up pops a new concept – now it’s DR for “Disaster Resilience”, as well as for disaster recovery. Entities like the Australian Government and the Australian Emergency Management Institute are getting in on the act, so it might be good to know what’s going on and what […]

New Zealand Earthquakes and Disaster Rebuilding

Why should DR stand only for disaster recovery? In the face of the earthquakes that assail parts of New Zealand from time to time, both the short term and the long term implications are being taken into account. Short term is disaster recovery, in a wider context than just IT, but disaster recovery nonetheless to […]

How the Cloud Mixes Up Everything and the Impact on Disaster Recovery

Despite some claims that that data storage and data recovery are set to become two separate items in computing cloud land, at the moment it’s all in there together: data, the applications that handle that data and the infrastructure that needs to be managed in consequence. IT disaster recovery plans involving cloud now have to […]