Cloud Disaster Recovery still Needs to be Analysed and Tested

While it’s comforting to think that a professional organisation can now hold your data safe and sound for you in the cloud, cloud DR planning still needs the same careful attention as a solution using any other technology. There are significant business advantages available, not least in terms of financial flexibility and hugely scalable resources, […]

What’s the Basic Business Benefit of IT Disaster Recovery via the Cloud?

Let’s stop talking technical for a moment. Although the quality of IT disaster recovery depends on which technologies are used and how, we sometimes fall into the trap of assuming that innovation and specifications are all we need to optimise DR for our business. Cloud services are a case in point. Yet taking a moment […]

What About Debris In Disaster Recovery?

In any disaster that involves some kind of destruction (and are there any disasters that don’t?), there’s going to be some kind of debris. Complete disaster recovery means dealing effectively with that debris. The FEMA (American Federal Emergency Management Agency) 325 Debris Management Guide published in 2007 indicates the potential size of the problem: over […]

Disaster Recovery Tape Storage Myths

Tape storage of information sometimes has an image of being out-dated, outmoded and out-performed by disk storage. That’s true enough – in the living room of your home, where audio cassettes and the VHS system for video cassettes are now antiques compared to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray media. However, a living room is not a […]

Disaster Recovery Repackaged for SMEs

Small businesses typically don’t have much in the way of an IT department. Often as not, IT is somebody’s part-time responsibility while holding down the rest of a job. Neither do they necessarily have the funds to splash out on elaborate disaster recovery solutions, or the time to sit down and figure out how to […]

Human Beings in the Disaster Recovery Equation

Ever since Frederick Taylor’s ideas on system engineering were shown to have a fundamental lack of appreciation of the human factor, businesses have been coming to terms with the messiness and at the same time the potential of human beings in the disaster recovery process. Taylor’s precept was that workers were too stupid to understand […]