Business Continuity Plans and Lessons Learned

“Learn from your mistakes” is a good motto and business continuity plans are no exception. In the previous post, “Disaster Recovery Plan – the Map is Not the Territory”, we described how ASCDI (Association of Service and Computer Dealers International) found out that in a hurricane its disaster recovery plan was less than perfect. The […]

The Difference Between Disaster Recovery And Business Continuity

The difference between DR and BC often depends on the person you’re talking to. It’s one of those grey areas, where definitions are sometimes arbitrary and no universal standard definition exists. The two terms not only evoke different meanings, but provoke different reactions in organisational management. Disaster recovery may be largely ignored because “disaster” is […]

Where Does Emergency Management Stop And Business Continuity Start?

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your planning… We discussed the relationship between disaster recovery and business continuity in another post, but this time the subject is the dividing line between emergency management and business continuity. In fact, we’re back to the same question: how do you carve up everything […]

The Danger Of Disaster Recovery Overkill

In theory, disaster recovery like its counterpart business continuity needs to concentrate on what is critical in an organisation to keep it functioning correctly, and concentrate on planning for and managing those aspects. Experience plays a large part in understanding how far to go, and having broad knowledge gained by working in or with the […]

Business Continuity Management indicators – leading or lagging?

In business continuity management, you need to know how well you’re doing. In fact both BCM and disaster recovery need their indicators, just like the rest of the management sectors, whether for finance, production, logistics or any other domain. In a world where KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a watchword, and the accepted rule is […]

Alternatives to tape back-up

Although tape still has advantages for high volume data back-up, not every organisation is properly equipped or structured to exploit those advantages. Small and medium businesses in particular may want alternatives to tape back-up if their IT department would rather put its resources, whether money or staff, into other projects than the management of an […]