MTO and RTO inside and outside disaster recovery

MTO and RTO are integral parts of disaster recovery planning, but they can also be used outside of that context. To recap on their definitions, MTO (Maximum Tolerable Outage) is the maximum amount of time that a process or facility can be unavailable before significant disruption and/or financial loss occurs to an organisation. RTO (Recovery […]

Business Continuity Planning for Small to Medium Enterprise

Consider the scenario of losing your primary premises due to fire. Can you answer these questions? – How much revenue would you lose being out of action for a day, a week or a month? – Have you got an alternate location to operate your business from? – Is your data regularly sent off site […]

Choosing a Business Continuity Recovery Site

If an organization experiences a ‘denial of access’ or ‘loss of premises’ due to incidents such as extended power outage, flood or fire, an alternate location for critical business processes and staff needs to be established. An Alternate Site is the premises to which a business unit may transfer its operations in the event of […]